Carlisle Garden Club Accepting Scholarship Applications

DEADLINE:  April 1, 2025

The Carlisle Garden Club is offering a $2,000 scholarship in 2025.  It is open to all High School Seniors and Home School High School Seniors residing in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

Eligible students must be planning to attend an accredited institution with the intent of earning a degree in Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Architecture, Conservation, Forestry, Environmental Science, Agriculture/Farming, Botany, or Plant or Ecology related studies.

Applications must be received by April 1, 2025 to be considered, and the winning recipient will be notified by April 25, 2025.

Carlisle Garden Club Scholarship Application 2025



Carlisle Garden Club awards $2,000 scholarship to Emily Carroll

July 2024

The Carlisle Garden Club is pleased to announce the recipient of their $2,000 scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year is Emily Carroll. Emily is a 2024 graduate of Boiling Springs High School.  Emily was active as the captain of the girls varsity cross-country team and as a co-editor of the yearbook committee. In addition, Emily completed an independent study in environmental science. Emily will be attending the University of Delaware this fall, majoring in Environmental Science.

Every year, the Carlisle Garden Club offers a $2000 scholarship to high school seniors residing in Cumberland County who are pursuing degrees in horticulture and related fields.

Profits from the Carlisle Garden Club’s two major fundraisers — the December Greens Sale and the May Mart Plant Sale — fund this scholarship.



Carlisle Garden Club awards $2,000 scholarship to Haylee Myers

June 2023

The Carlisle Garden Club is pleased to present a $2,000 Scholarship to Haylee Myers, a 2023 Camp Hill High School graduate. Haylee has been accepted at Dusquesne University and will major in Environmental Science in the fall. The Carlisle Garden Club awards at least one scholarship every year to local students who plan to attend an accredited institution to study horticulture, floriculture, landscape architecture, conservation, forestry, botany, agronomy, plant pathology, land management, sustainability, environmental policy, city planning, and/or related issues. Proceeds from the Carlisle Garden Club’s fundraising activities, including the December Greens Sale and May Mart Sale are used to fund these scholarships.

Haylee is an Award recipient of the National Honor Society. The society recognizes exemplary academic performance, commendable character, and notable community involvement. In addition, Haylee was a three-time Apollo Award nominee and recently received the 2023 Apollo Award for “best featured performer in a musical” for her role as “Dolly” in “Hello Dolly.”

Haylee’s other interests include serving as a volunteer as a “Youth Exhibit Guide” for the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD. In this capacity, she developed skills engaging with aquarium guests by answering questions and providing information about unique species and ecosystems.

Haylee is interested in studying environmental science and policy to understand how societies have come to produce so much waste. Ultimately, she intends to work professionally in environmental analytics and policy to reshape how our economy’s means of production and consumption reflect the sustainable values necessary to ensure health and longevity for Earth’s ecosystems. Haylee enjoys recycling and conservation efforts, saying “as I attend conservation classes and pick up litter, I’ll remember the people, plants, and animals that prove how beautiful the world can be.”