Save the date for the 2025 Carlisle Garden Club GARDEN TOUR:

Saturday, June 22, 2025


2022 Garden Tour

The 2022 Carlisle Garden Club Garden Tour was held Sunday, June 26, 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Ten unique gardens were on included in the tour and located in three areas of Carlisle – Northwest, Parker Street and East Ridge Street.

Garden #1 – Project SHARE, 5 N. Orange Street – This garden has been maintained by the Carlisle Garden Club since 2006. The garden area around the sign with ‘Red Rooster’ grass clumps with lantana and tall sedum. interspersed between them. A nearby triangle-shaped garden is in partial shade and includes hosta, blue camassia, plumbago and tansy. The part of the garden that is in full sun includes a variety of sedums, salvia and perennial grasses, with tulips and daffodils for spring interest.
Garden #2, Armstrong Road, includes a flowering perennial garden and native shrubs in white, yellow and purple. The rear border of the property includes a cool sitting area, and the side of the house is a native meadow.
Garden #3, Shannon Lane, focuses on attracting pollinators, including hummingbirds. A grassy area in the front has been converted to a pollinator garden with many annuals, while the back yard includes fruit trees, spaces for entertaining and a children’s play area.
Garden #4, Kingsbridge Circle, features a lively and colorful assortment of perennials, as well as herbs and roses. Favorites of the garden owner include the pollinator garden, and the island garden between the road and the sidewalk.
Gardens #5, Parker Street, features a lush courtyard and a formal parterre with a copper armillary sundial in the center.
Garden #6, Parker Street, features a quiet sitting area under a Japanese maple that serves as an anchor point for the yard.
Garden #7, Parker Street. features a boxwood parterre in the front yard, and the back yard includes a formal pond and shade plants, with espaliered apple trees in a sunny spot.
Garden #8, East Ridge Street, includes three distinct garden areas, including a lower garden and small orchard.
Garden #9, East Ridge Street includes forest-sized trees with shade plants. Climbing plants and vines soften the structures, stonework and paths.
Garden #10, Street,  features a formal garden with hedges, topiaries, ferns and trellised honeysuckle vines, as well as garden areas that are more naturalized


[NOTE: The 2020 and 2021 Carlisle Garden Tour programs were cancelled due to COVID-concerns.]

2018 Garden Tour

The 2018 Carlisle Garden Club Garden Tour was held Sunday, June 24, 2018, 1-5 p.m.  Twelve beautiful and unique gardens were on our biennial tour in the southeast and southwest quandrants of the Borough of Carlisle. Features of these gardens included native plants, a sunken garden, a disappearing waterfall, stacked stone walls, a Children’s Garden, arbors, garden art, and statuary.   Bee-themed refreshments were served at Garden #9, 732 W. South St.

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