More than 90 years of service
to the Carlisle Community


Established 1929

“Better gardens” was the goal of the Carlisle Garden Club when it was formed in July 1929. Club pursuits focused on growing flowers for flower shows, studying plants and birds, and taking pilgrimages to see beautiful gardens. As the years passed, the Carlisle Garden Club grew to include conservation and community service activities.


• Carlisle Garden Club formed July 10, 1929 with the help of many local women

• Gave Carlisle its first lighted Christmas tree for the public square
• Planted shrubs, evergreens, and flowers around the old court house
• Planted 60 American Elm trees along Willow Street to celebrate George Washington’s birthday
• Presented the iron fence to the Alexander Hamilton Library, 21 North Pitt Street (now the research library for the Cumberland County Historical Society)
• Gave Christmas gifts and poinsettias to residents of Lydia Baird Home for Aged Women, along with window boxes for plant
• Sent seeds to Holland and Russia during war time to aid citizen’s efforts to grow food for themselves

• Provided seeds for Biddle Mission Park on East North Street, which helped initiate a Junior Garden Club
• The Junior Garden Club won the State Blue Ribbon for Lawn Care Arrangements in the Fall
• Decorated the U.S.O. for holidays as requested and shared decorations with the Carlisle Barracks and Post
• Offered programs and lectures on Victory Gardens and Thrift Gardens
• Planted two elm trees on the Dickinson College campus next to the President’s house
• Joined the National Federation of Garden Clubs


• Provided evergreens, geraniums, and bird baths for the old Carlisle Hospital
• Presented a flower show at Stock Memorial Lutheran Church
• Placed two urns on either side of the entrance to Bosler Memorial Library


• Held the first May Mart Plant Sales using members’ own garden plants

• Dropped affiliation with the National Federation of Garden Clubs
• Planted a flower garden at the historic Two Mile House
• Planted flowers at one entrance to Carlisle

• Planted and maintained an herb garden at the historic Two Mile House
• Planted and maintained the grave site of Revolutionary War heroine Molly Pitcher, located in the historic cemetery near East South Street
• Planted a garden at Project S.H.A.R.E
• Planted a native plant garden at the trailhead at Letort Park
• Planted and maintained the urns at Carlisle Borough Hall and at Bosler Memorial Library
• Began issuing scholarships for students majoring in horticulture, landscaping, and conservation studies
• Created a garden therapy program to share with residents in nursing facilities





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