For ninety-five years, the Carlisle Garden Club has worked for the betterment and beautification of Carlisle and this year we will continue that tradition.
In addition to the maintenance of community gardens, we will continue to ensure that our downtown is colorful during the growing season and the square lighted for the
holiday season. As a new initiative, we will be involved with the revitalization of Seven Gables Park.

As a supporter of education, we will continue to provide a scholarship to a local college bound student. We also spread years of gardening
knowledge and experience to our members and out into the community.

In recognition of our community outreach and educational programs, the CGC applied and was granted 501 (c)(3) status. This will allow the
club to continue our work well into the future.

As president for the 2024-2025 year, I am honored to be a part of this continuing tradition and to help position and carry it into the future.