Join the Carlisle Garden Club

Please print and complete this application, and bring it to an upcoming meeting, or mail to the address provided. We look forward to seeing you!

Membership Application Carlisle Garden Club  [PDF, 1 page, 154 KB]

The Carlisle Garden Club was organized in 1929 to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, to aid in protecting native garden species, and to preserve and increase the natural beauty of our beloved Carlisle community.


  • Civic beautification projects such as providing the funds for 22 hanging flower baskets in the 100 block of N. Hanover Street, maintaining gardens for local nonprofits including the Molly Pitcher Gravesite, the gardens at Two Mile House, Project SHARE and the Letort Trailhead.
  • “Garden of the Month” recognitions awarded to deserving gardeners/gardens.
  • Annual $2,000 scholarship to a high school student pursuing horticulture or related studies.
  • Two annual fundraising events: The Greens Sale in November and the May Mart Sale just before Mother’s Day.
  • Garden therapy programs for community nursing homes.
  • Promote interest in birds and conservation. The Club was responsible for having Carlisle proclaimed a “bird sanctuary.”
  • Monthly meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (except January, February, July, and August) to increase knowledge of gardening and conservation. Meetings are held at the Two Mile House, 1189 Walnut Bottom Rd., Carlisle, PA 17015.





Name: ________________________________________________

Partner’s Name: _______________________________________________

Street: _____________________________________________________________________

City, State and Zip:


Phone: ____________ E-mail: ________________________

Please note: Members are expected to serve on at least one committee and participate once a year on a refreshment committee.

Send your application with your check payable to “Carlisle Garden Club” for $25 by June 30 to Carlisle Garden Club, PO Box 1375, Carlisle, PA 17013.